
Early-stage podcasting can be hard, no question about it. Starting a show from scratch is a challenge (I know — I've done it).

As a newbie, you need to inherently understand that increasing listenership and audience is key to growing a podcast. As easy as it may sound, the challenges of doing this are real. The biggest challenge for early-stage podcasters is that most don't have a clear plan for growing their listenership and audience. They think the magic will happen on its own by simply doing good episodes.

The biggest questions now are... How can you do it? Why are the increase in listenership and engaged audience the key? What benefits do they provide? How can you monetize from it? There is no need for questions as Mark Asquith, co-founder of Captivate.fm, has got our back! In this episode, he will share tips and tricks about podcasting and how an early-stage podcaster can survive and thrive in the podcasting world.